Newborn Baby Essentials

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Top 8 Baby Essentials 

How much stuff can a baby really need? A LOT! I remember the nesting phase so well with Harper. I would crawl or waddle into bed and lean over to my husband and say, “do you know what we need”? and he would smile and say, “what do we ‘need’”? And he would appease me and off I would go to order something else we had to have. I think my needs were more like wants, but that song and dance felt never ending I am sure! 

I remember the first time I walked into Buy Buy Baby. I was a deer in headlights. They give you a list of essentials to register for that I swear had 5,000 items on it. I was so overwhelmed. A friend of mine took me there to help me register for my shower and I am so thankful for her. I ended up doing the same thing for several friends to show the same love she showed me. She grabbed the list of “essentials” and started crossing off items and saying, “you don’t need this, but add this.” Or “You will never use this” (with a big slash through the item that wasn’t needed). She also added items that she wished she had from day one and pointed out which items I will want, but not now. Again, she was like a baby angel gifted to me for the hours we spent that day registering. I still burst into tears when I got home (hormones). I also burst into tears after my shower realizing we had gotten so much stuff and where does it all go? Or better yet, how do you use it? I was spiraling! (hormones). Anyways, I digress but I wanted to put together a quick blog post to help new parents. You inevitably, will get more than these 8 items, we all do. But these are the important ones. These are the items you will use right away for the infant stage and help with sleep! 

Top 8 Baby “Recommended” Items for night sleep 


  • It is important for the baby to have their own sleep space. A bassinet, play yard like a pack n play and crib are perfect. Many play yards have a bassinet attachment you can use as well. My favorites (today) are the Halo Bassinet or Pack n Play. The pack n play you will use throughout the first few years so this is a good investment. 

2. Swaddles/Sleep sacs

  • If you are going to swaddle, I recommend a swaddle and/or sleep sac that has velcro or zippers. My favorites are The Halo, The Woombie, The Ollie, Infant Summer (brand), Sleepea and The Nested Bean. 

3. Sound Machines

  • I recommend using a sound machine with infants and children. My favorite sound machine for price and volume is Homedics. Also, The Hatch is a great product as you can use it in toddlerhood for a sound machine, night light and toddler clock all in one.

4. Pacifiers 

  • I love a pacifier. Research has shown that offering a paci can decrease the risk of SIDS. It also supports, that breast feeding can be just as effective when using a pacifier.  There are a variety of different brands and styles. Have a few different types on hand and see which your baby prefers. I suggest starting with Soothies. Before age 1, do not use a pacifier with an animal attachment for sleep as this is comparable to a stuffed animal and a loose item in the crib.

5. Diaper Cream

  • I suggest using diaper rash cream as a preventive to diaper rash. Many newborns have sensitive skin. The most effective time to use this would be before bed time. However, you can use it at other times as well and whenever you need to. My favorite creams are Vaseline and Boudreaux’s Butt Paste.

6. Gas Drops

  • I recommend Little Remedies but there are other options available. Please consult with your pediatrician to find out what is best for your baby.

7. Burp Cloths

  • These are great to have on hand during the day and at night. I have found using cloth diapers as burp clothes work well because they are absorbent and soft. 

8. Diapers & Wipes 

  • There are many different options of diapers and wipes. I have heard and found success with Pampers for girls and Huggies for boys. Try different brands to decide what works best for your child. Once they are big enough for a night time diaper, I would use one at night as they are more absorbent. 

*Please know that there is no compensation given for Building Blocks Family’s recommendations. These are just products that I have either used, seen used, and personally think are great! 

Chelsea Kunde